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The Law Enforcement Academy held the first Graduation ceremony at the General Prosecutor’s Office. The graduates are the first cohort of Presidential reserve of law enforcement management.

As a result of established cooperation between the Graduate School of Public Policy and the School of Political Management of Nur Otan party on April 14 “Modern governance approaches: the international experience” Executive Education programme was arranged for the central office of the Party.

Graduate School of Public Policy, Nazarbayev University in collaboration with the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and OECD held two workshops on Decentralisation and Open Government.

Public Talk “The Global Dynamics and the Changing Role of Sovereign Wealth Funds” by professor Mukul Asher (the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy)

Graduate School of Public Policy in collaboration with the Ministry of Civil Service Affairs and UNDP hosted an International conference “Nursultan Nazarbayev and Kazakhstan’s model of civil service”