Шақыру бойынша сөз сөйлеу 2015 года
- Pelizzo R., 2015. The Political Consequences of Party System Change. Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
- Pelizzo R., 2015. Corruption: causes and consequences. Academy of Financial Police, Astana, Kazakhstan.
- Baris O. F., 2015. The Timing Effect in Bargaining and the Relative Utilitarian Solution. National University of Singapore, Lee Kwan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore.
- Baris O. F. and Pelizzo R., 2015. Corruption and the National Corruption Perception Index, Nur Otan Party, Astana, Kazakhstan.
- Burkhanov A., 2015. Identity and Nation-Building in Post-Soviet Central Asia: Borders, Myths and Languages. Public lecture at the International Summer School on Ethnic Conflict and Terrorism in Asia, Department of Asian Studies, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
- Burkhanov A., 2015. National Identity in the Media Discourse of Kazakhstan. University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
- Collins, N., 2015. Corruption: competing theories Academy of Financial Police, Astana, Kazakhstan.
- Collins, N., 2015. Party Food: The food safety regime in China. LKY Lunch time lecture series.
- Pelizzo R., 2016. Culture is the key. African Politics and Policy Newsletter, n. 10, January, p. 2.
- Pelizzo R., 2016. Editorial. African Politics and Policy Newsletter, 10, January, p. 1.
- Pelizzo R., 2016. Editorial. African Politics and Policy Newsletter, n. 11, February, p. 1.
- Pelizzo R., 2016. The importance of women in parliament: evidence from Africa, African Politics and Policy Newsletter, n. 11, February, p. 3.
- Pelizzo R. with T. Zanotti and Vittoria E. Bendetti, 2016. Leggibilita’ delle lettere dell’alfabeto, Print Buyer. Strategie e tecniche della comunicazione stampata, n. 60/16, pp. 54-56.
- Pelizzo R., 2016. Editorial, African Politics and Policy Newsletter, n. 12, March, p. 1
- Pelizzo R., 2016. Editorial, African Politics and Policy Newsletter, n. 13, April, p. 1.
- Pelizzo R., 2016. Editorial, African Politics and Policy Newsletter, n. 14, May, p. 1.
- Pelizzo R., 2016. Anti-Corruption measures: a reflection, African Politics and Policy Newsletter, n. 14, May, p. 3.
- Pelizzo R., 2016. Editorial, African Politics and Policy Newsletter, n. 15, June, p.1.
- Pelizzo R., 2016.“Qual’e’ il parlamento piu’ produttivo?”, available online: http://www.casadellacultura.it/431/qual-e-il-parlamento-piu-produttivo-. https://gianfrancopasquino.wordpress.com/2016/06/03/qual-e-il-parlamento-piu-produttivo-i-numeri-della-produzione-legislativa-dei-parlamenti-democratici/ http://facciamosinistra.blogspot.com/2016/06/qual-e-il-parlamento-piu-produttivo.html
- Pelizzo R., 2016. “Corruption and trust”, African Politics and Policy Newsletter, n. 16, July, p.1.
- Pelizzo R., 2016. “Editorial”, African Politics and Policy Newsletter, n. 18, August, p.1.
- Pelizzo R., 2016. “Lo strano caso del Gabon”, African Politics and Policy Newsletter, n. 18, August
- Pelizzo R., 2016. “The mark of a leader”, African Politics and Policy Newsletter, n. 18, August.
- Janenova S., 2016. New Trajectories of Civil Service Reform in Kazakhstan, The Astana Times, February 16,
- Interview with Saltanat Janenova, GSPP, 2016. NU Research Newsletter, Issue 9, April, p.4-11
- Press-release on Exploring the Experiences of Female Leaders in Civil Service of Kazakhstan, NU Research Newsletter, Issue 10, May, p.11-12
- Janenova S., 2016. How to write a grant proposal? Tips for early-career researchers, NU Research Newsletter, Issue 10, May, p.20-21
- Janenova S., Kuzhabekova A., Almukhambetova, A., 2016. Why Kazakhstani women are underrepresented in leadership positions of civil service? Policy brief in English and Russian, April.
- Janenova S., Kuzhabekova A., Almukhambetova, A., 2016. Why Kazakhstani women are underrepresented in leadership positions of civil service? “Women: East-West” journal, July issue (upcoming)
- Janenova S., Kuzhabekova A., Almukhambetova, A., 2016. Why Kazakhstani women are underrepresented in leadership positions of civil service? Gender policy brief of UN Women in Kazakhstan, June issue (upcoming).
- Baris RO., 2016. “IMF revises growth projections for Sub-Saharan Africa”, African Politics and Policy Newsletter, n. 18, August.
- Pelizzo R., 2015. Postfazione. In Michele Croce, La rivoluzione dei veronesi, Verona, RN Comunicazione, pp. 99-100, ISBN: 979-12-200-0637-8.
- Pelizzo R., Kinyondo A. and Umar A., 2015. Oversight effectiveness in Africa. African Politics and Policy Newsletter, 9, December, p. 2.
- Pelizzo R., 2015. Editorial. African Politics and Policy Newsletter, 9, December, p. 1.
- Pelizzo R., 2015. The 2015 Tanzanian Elections. African Politics and Policy Newsletter, 8, November, p. 3.
- Pelizzo R., 2015. Editorial. African Politics and Policy Newsletter, 8, November, p. 1.
- Pelizzo R., 2015. The road to Tanzanian elections. African Politics and Policy Newsletter, 7, October, p. 3.
- Pelizzo R., 2015. Editorial. African Politics and Policy Newsletter, 7, October, p. 1.
- Pelizzo R.,2015. Corruption and trust in African legislatures. African Politics and Policy Newsletter, 6, September, p. 3.
- Pelizzo R., 2015. Editorial. African Politics and Policy Newsletter, 6, September, p. 1.
- Pelizzo R. and Kinyondo A., 2015. Towards the Tanzanian Elections. African Politics and Policy Newsletter, 5, July, p. 2.
- Pelizzo R., 2015. Editorial. African Politics and Policy Newsletter, 5, July, p.1.
- Pelizzo R., 2015. Instability: a threat for Tanzania? African Politics and Policy Newsletter, 4, June, p. 2.
- Pelizzo R., 2015. Tourism and Political Stability: the case of Kenya. African Politics and Policy Newsletter, 3, May, p. 2.
- Pelizzo R., 2015. Editorial. African Politics and Policy Newsletter, 3, May, p. 1.
- Pelizzo R., 2015. Tourism. African Politics and Policy Newsletter, 2, April, p.3.
- Pelizzo R., 2015. Editorial. African Politics and Policy Newsletter, 2, April, p.1.
- Pelizzo R., 2015. Editorial. African Politics and Policy Newsletter, 1, March, p.1.
- Baris, O.F. and Kutlu, L., 2015. Price Dispersion and Optimal Price Categories with Limited Memory Consumers, under review. Available at SSRN – or.
- Baris, O.F. and Thampapillai, D.J., Chen, Y.J., Bacani, C. I., 2015. Display of Factor-Utilization in Central Asia. Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Research Paper No. 15-22. Available at SSRN – or.
- Baris, O.F., 2015. Fall in oil prices: two sides of the coin for Africa, African Politics and Policy Newsletter, 3, September.
- Baris, O.F., 2015. Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: finally on track?, African Politics and Policy Newsletter, 1, September.
- Burkhanov A., 2015. After Newspeak: Language, Culture and Politics in Russia from Gorbachev to Putin. Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, 43:5, 805-807, DOI: 10.1080/00905992.2015.1066096
- Janenova S. and Maltseva E., 2015. Implementation of the Pension Reform in Kazakhstan, a policy report for International Labour Organisation.
- Janenova S., 2015. Newton-Al-Farabi Project, in Bolashak journal, 1 Issue, pp. 14-15.
- Janenova S., 2015. OECD Strengthens Partnership with Kazakhstan, in Astana Times,
- Janenova S., 2015. Nazarbayev University Academics Win Grant to Lead Public Policy Workshops in Kazakhstan, in Astana Times.
- Janenova S., 2015. OECD Supports Strengthening Agricultural Cooperatives in Kazakhstan, in Astana Times,
- Janenova S., 2015. Interview with S.Janenova. What Finances are Telling Us? in Baiterek,
- Haas, M. de., 2014. Kazachstan moet laveren tussen grote broers (Kazakhstan has to navigate between big brothers), Friesch Dagblad.
- Haas, M. de., 2014. Book Review on Russia, NATO and Cooperative Security: Bridging the Gap, by Lionel Ponsard. The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms, pp. 186-187.
- Janenova, S. 2014. OECD supports strengthening agricultural cooperatives in Kazakhstan. Astana Times.
- Janenova, S., & Temirova, A. 2014. Nazarbayev University academics win grant to lead public policy workshops in Kazakhstan. Astana Times.
- Pelizzo, R., 2014. Preventing corruption by eradicating academic corruption. Available online.
- Howie, P., 2016. Kazakhstan Moves to Diversify Commodities-Dependent Economy. World Politics Review, January.
- Pelizzo R. and Makhado R., 2016. Looking at women rights to land in Africa: a feminist perspective? African Politics and Policy, 2 (1), pp. 32-39.