Опубликованные главы книг 2014 года

Опубликованные главы книг 2014 года
  • Burkhanov, A., & Sharipova, D., 2014. Kazakhstan’s civic-national identity: Ambiguous policies and points of resistance. In M.Y.Omelicheva, ed. National ism and identity construction in Central Asia: Dimensions, dynamics, and directions. Lanham: Lexington Books, pp. 21- 36.
  • Collins, N., Quinlivan, A. & Schon-Quinlivan, E., 2014. The Republic of Ireland. In J. Chandler, ed. Comparative public administration. London: Routledge, pp. 35-60.
  • Gottwald, J. & Collins, N. 2014., Comparing Irish and Chinese politics of regulation. In F. Hong & J. Gottwald, eds. The Irish Asia strategy and its China relations. Bremen: EHV Academic Press, pp. 143-156.
  • Janenova, S., 2014. The context of governance reforms in Kazakhstan. In OECD Review of the Central Administration of Kazakhstan, pp.45-77. http://www.oecd.org/governance/kazakhstan review-of-the-central-administration-9789264224605-en.htm