Graduate School of Public Policy
Graduate School of Public Policy
Graduate School of Public Policy

Научные интересы
Количественный анализ, организационная теория и поведение, организационная эффективность, инновации в государственном секторе, управление человеческими ресурсами, расширение прав и возможностей сотрудников и управление эффективностью, коррупция и этическое поведение

Контактная информация
Хесонг Ха
Высшая школа государственной политики
Назарбаев Университет
пр. Кабанбай батыра, 53
Астана, Казахстан 010000
Тел.: +7 7172 70 62 23

Хесонг Ха

Должность: Ассистент-профессор
Образование: Ph.D. в области государственных дел, Университет Индианы (США)

Хесонг Ха присоединился к Высшей школе государственной политики НУ в 2020 году. До прихода в NU GSPP д-р Ха занимал должность научного сотрудника в Центре исследований будущего государственного управления (CFGS) Университета Йонсей, Сеул, Южная Корея.


  • Ha, H. & Hur, H. (2023). Public Agents’ Empowerment and Rule-Breaking Behaviors: Evidence from Panel Analysis of U.S. Federal Agencies. Public Organization Review.
  • Knox, C., Janenova, S., & Ha, H. (2023). Social injustice in consolidated authoritarian regimes: responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. In Social Justice in a Turbulent Era (pp. 24-46). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Yerdaulet Zhiyenbayev, Kunikey Sakhiyeva & Hyesong Ha (2022). Identifying Future Employment Trends and Skills in the Mining Sector in Kazakhstan, Korean Journal of Futures Studies, 7(1)
  • Ha, H., Raghavan, A., & Demircioglu, M. A. (2022). COVID-19 and employee productivity in the public sector. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, 1-24.,
  • Ha, H., & Park, H. (2020), Analysis of Factors Affecting Women’s Fear of Sexual Crimes: Focus on Moderating Effects of Household Type and CCTV Policy, The Korean Public Administration Review (KPAR), 54(2), 379-423
  • Suzuki, K., Ha, H., & Avellaneda, C. N. (2020). Direct and non‐linear innovation effects of demographic shifts. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 79(3), 351-369.
  • Hur, H., & Ha, H. (2019). The link between perceptions of fairness, job training opportunity and at-will employees’ work attitudes. European Journal of Training and Development.
  • Suzuki, K., & Ha, H. (2018). Municipal merger and local democracy: An assessment of the merger of Japanese municipalities. Lex Localis, 16(4), 759-784. DOI: 10.4335/16.4.759-784(2018)

  • “Employee Empowerment improves Organizational Performance in the Public Sector?- Propensity Score Matching (PSM) Method on a Survey Data,”International Public Management Journal
  • “Empowerment Practices and Organizational Outcomes in the Public Sector: A Causal Inference from Panel Data Analysis,”International Public Management Journal
  • “Femаle Entrepreneurs and Credit Access in Kazakhstan,” Journal of Eurasian Studies, coauthored with Gulaiym Tnymbergen.
  • “Authoritarian and Democratic States: the Covid pandemic and the efficacy of public health outcomes” Journal of Public Policy, coauthored with Colin Knox and Saltanat Janenova

На рассмотрении к печати:
  • Ha, Hyesong & Mehmet Demircioglu.. “Empowerment Practices and Organizational Outcomes in the Public Sector: A Causal Inference from Panel Data Analysis,” International Public Management Journal (IPMJ)
  • Ha, Hyesong. “Economic Shocks of COVID19 –Labor Market Impacts in Kazakhstan”
  • Ha, Hyesong. “Varieties of E-Government and their Influence on Quality of Government,” coauthored with Taha Hameduddin.
  • Ha, Hyesong, “Government Trust & E-government Performance-Focusing on Government Website Quality and Usage in Korea” coauthored with J. Moon.
  • Ha, Hyesong. “A Dynamic Impact of Diversities (Gender, Race, Age) on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention in the Recent Recession Period, controlling Wage Level: 3 level HLM & HMLM Approach”