Misconduct refers to academic or nonacademic misconduct (unacceptable or improper behavior) by a student.
Examples of academic misconduct include plagiarism, cheating, falsification of documents and other dishonest actions.
1) Plagiarism is intentionally or carelessly presenting the work of another as one’s own. It includes submitting an assignment purporting to be the student’s original work which has wholly or in part been created by another person. It also includes the presentation of the work, ideas, representations, or words of another person without customary and proper acknowledgement of sources.
2) Cheating is defined as deceit or dishonesty in an academic assignment, or using or attempting to use materials, or assisting others in using materials that are prohibited or inappropriate in the context of the academic assignment.
3) Falsification of documents occurs when a student presents a falsified application, medical or any other official forms for any reason.
Acts of academic misconduct may result in the imposition of any of Category A, B, or C sanctions as described in Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures of the University.
Nonacademic misconduct can include anything from criminal activity to offences that are specific to the context of the University. Acts of nonacademic misconduct may result in the imposition of any of Category 1 or Category 2 sanctions as described in Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures of the University.