Application and Selection ProcessStudents interested in pursuing a GSPP internship placement will apply to the program and undergo a comprehensive assessment process.
Application to the internship program consists of:
- submission of the GSPP Internship application cover page check list;
- submission of a professional cover letter and In the cover letter, applicants are invited to briefly explain why they are interested in an internship;
- an academic reference (from GSPP faculty). Please note GSPP will contact faculty for reference details, applicants are just required to submit a faculty name;
- a one-page autobiography (500 words or less) focused on academic, career and community involvement; and
- an unofficial transcript describing the student’s academic standing.
Applications are to be sent electronically via email to the GSPP Internship Coordinator at Applicants will receive an email confirming that their application package has been received. If applicants do not receive confirmation within a week, they should contact the Internship Coordinator. Only complete application packages will be accepted.
GSPP will perform the initial screening of the academic standing of all applicants to ensure that they have completed or are registered to complete fifty per cent of courses. Students who meet the required standards will then be have their applications assessed by the GSPP Internship Committee. The GSPP Internship Committee will consist of GSPP faculty and staff.