Water Initiative in South and Central Asia


The Graduate School of Public Policy in collaboration with Imperial College, UK will organize a Workshop on 13-14th December 2018 about Transboundary Water Management in South and Central Asia funded by British Council.

The workshop is aiming to identify the potential for scientific research to contribute on good governance of transboundary river basins in Central and South Asia.

The Water Initiative of South Asia (WISA) is a three-year project promoting science and research partnership between the countries in South Asia and the UK. Recently, high interest was also shown in Central Asia and the challenges to be met on water resources management at intra-regional as well as cross-regional level. The forum brings together key experts including researchers, scientists, policy makers and analysts. With a growing world population and climate change pressures, the water resource challenges faced are becoming more pronounced and widespread. Water management practices, climate change, water governance, and water economics are important topics that are impacting the socioeconomic future of regions across the globe, and in particular the South and Central Asian region.

Program of the event