NU GSPP Alumni hosted the Trivia night

Photo credit: Paparazzi Club

NU GSPP  encourages networking events among its community. One of such events was hosted by NU GSPP Alumni Chapter Committee and sponsored by NU Alumni Public Union  on 12th December. NU GSPP students, alumni, and staff gathered to hold the Trivia night and enjoyed a warm and friendly atmosphere in the Harats Irish pub in Nur-Sultan.

Photo credit: Paparazzi Club

Before the Game starts, NU GSPP Alumni Chapter Members and GSPP Manager for Alumni Relations Azhar Umbetova introduced themselves. They gave a brief information about the Chapter, its objectives and activities planned for 2022.

Photo credit: Paparazzi Club

An Alumni network has become a powerful and an effective tool in the recruitment strategy for attracting talented and prominent students for the NU GSPP degree programs and Executive Education programs. NU GSPP alumni are engaged in both School and NU Open House Days, as well as Orientation weeks. They are NU GSPP and NU Ambassadors both at local and international levels. We have our Ambassadors in Armenia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and India. They promote the School and University and recruit bright promising students.

Photo credit: Paparazzi Club

NU GSPP Alumni Chapter was established in 2017 to unite all alumni and provide a platform that supports members throughout the country. The Chapter is engaged in social and professional activities to strengthen networks among NU GSPP alumni, current students and School.

If you want to participate in the forthcoming NU GSPP alumni events, stay tuned and follow NUGSPP Alumni Association Facebook page.