2019 GSPP Conference on Risk, Rationality and Resilience


The Nazarbayev University’s Graduate School of Public Policy (GSPP) is kindly inviting you to participate in the third annual International GSPP Conference dedicated to the topic “Risk rationality and resilience” with several panel sessions, key-note speakers and a sightseeing tour of Nur-Sultan (Astana) city, Kazakhstan.

GSPP Conference is an annual event that is aimed to provide attendees of academic and professional political communities with quality educational and networking opportunities focused on a various areas of public policy and public administration. GSPP Conference is a communication platform designed for academics, young scholars, practitioners and researchers. The first GSPP Conference on “Good Governance and economic diversification in resource rich economies” was organized in 2017 in a format of international conference. The second Conference in 2018 on “Contemporary issues in public administration in post-soviet Eurasia” was regional and was mostly focused on CIS region and Central Asia & Caucasus.  Year by year number of participants in GSPP Conference is growing. In 2019 GSPP is organizing International Conference dedicated to the topic – “Risk, rationality and resilience”.

Keynote speakers:

Leslie A. Pal


Leslie A. Pal is Founding Dean of the College of Public Policy at Hamad bin Khalifa University, Doha Qatar, and Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy and Administration at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. He is the author, co-author or editor of over thirty books, the most recent of which are Global Governance and Muslim Organizations (2019), Policy Transfer: Micro-Dynamics and Macro-Effects (2017), and Policy Making in a Transformative State: The Case of Qatar (2016), and Beyond Policy Analysis: Public Issue Management in Turbulent Times (forthcoming, 2020). He has published over ninety articles and book chapters in a wide variety of areas of public policy and administration, and international public management reform, including Frontiers of Governance: The OECD and Global Public Management Reform (2012). He is the Executive Editor of the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, and a member of the editorial boards of the International Review of Public Policy and the Journal of Economic Policy Reform. He has served as a consultant to the Open Society Foundations, the World Bank and the OECD, as well as several other international organizations. In 2019, he was elected to the Executive Committee of the International Public Policy Association.

Marco Verweij


Marco Verweij is Professor of Political Science at Jacobs University Bremen. Previously, he earned his keep at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods in Bonn, Germany, and the Singapore Management University. In his research, he aims to understand how ‘wicked’ problems (such as climate change) can be resolved through the combined forces of governmental action, entrepreneurship, technological innovation and civil society engagement. In addition, he explores the ways in which political science and brain research can enrich one another.






  • Good Governance: causes, costs and consequences
  • Economic issues in Central Asia
  • Anti-Corruption measures and perception of corruption
  • Identity policy in Kazakhstan
  • Public Service Reforms in the Region: Practices and Lessons Learnt (Part 1, ACSH)
  • Public Service Reforms in the Region: Practices and Lessons Learnt (Part 2, ACSH)
  • Development issues in Eurasia

The venue: Nazarbayev University, Block C3

In order to attend the event, we kindly ask you to register here.