Graduate School of Public Policy
Graduate School of Public Policy
Graduate School of Public Policy

Research Areas

Central Asian regional cooperation and geopolitics; regional organizations in Central Asia/Eurasia; EU-Central Asia relations; Kazakhstan’s foreign policy; international identity, image and perception studies

Research Output

Contact information:

Zhanibek Arynov
Assistant Professor
Graduate School of Public Policy
Nazarbayev University
53 Kabanbay batyr Avenue
Astana, Kazakhstan 010000

Zhanibek Arynov

Position: Assistant Professor
Education Background: Ph.D. in International Relations, University of St Andrews (UK)

Zhanibek Arynov is an Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Public Policy. He obtained a Ph.D. degree in International Relations from the University of St. Andrews, UK. His research interests include Central Asian geopolitics, Kazakhstan’s foreign policy, EU-Central Asia relations, and international identity, image and perception studies. He is currently working on projects related to regional organizations in Central Asia/Eurasia (EAEU, CSTO, and OTS).

Selected Publications

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
  • Arynov, Z., and T. Umirbekov (2025). “Contesting the unknown? Public perceptions of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) in Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan”. Contemporary Security Policy (online first).
  • Arynov, Z., S. Orazgaliyev, L. Issova (2024). ‘Non-recognizing the Other? Discursive deligitimation of the EAEU by the EU’. Journal of Contemporary European Studies 32(2), pp.524-537.
  • Arynov, Z. (2023). ‘Educated into Sinophilia? China as Perceived by Kazakhstani Graduates/Students of Chinese Universities’. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 52(2), pp. 334–353.
  • Arynov, Z. (2022). ‘‘“Nobody Goes to Another Monastery with Their Own Charter”. The EU’s Promotion of ‘European Values’ as Perceived in Central Asia’. Europe-Asia Studies 74(6), pp.1028-1050.
  • Arynov, Z. (2022). ‘Hardly Visible, Highly Admired? Youth Perceptions of the EU in Kazakhstan’. Journal of Eurasian Studies 13(1), pp. 42-55.
  • Arynov, Z. (2022), ‘Opportunity and Threat Perceptions of the EU in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan’, Central Asian Survey 41(4), pp.734-751.
  • Arynov, Z. (2018), ‘Changing Perceptions of the European Union in Central Asia’. L’Europe en Formation, Issue 385, pp. 61-73.

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters

Other Publications:

  • Principal Investigator: ‘Legitimation and Delegitimation of International Organizations: The Case of the Eurasian Economic Union’. MSHE grant for young scholars 2022-2024. Grant # AP13068101.
  • Member of Research Team: ‘Social fragmentation, group polarization and misinformation in Kazakhstani social media’. MSHE grant for young scholars 2022-2024. Grant # AP13068148.
  • Member of Research Team: ‘The Organization of Turkic States (OTS) as a New Balancing Organization in the Era of Geopolitical Turbulence’. MSHE grant for young scholars 2024-2026. Grant # AP22786507.
  • Member of Team: ‘ValEUs – Research and Education Network on Contestations to EU Foreign Policy’. ERASMUS-JMO-2023-Networks, Project ID: 101127800.