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Graduate School of Public Policy

Sustainable Development and Modernization in Kazakhstan and Central Asian Countries
NU Graduate School of Public Policy
About the Programme
This program explores sustainable development through four key sessions:

- "From Development Policy to Sustainable Development Policy" provides an overview of sustainable development, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their integration into public policy using an interdisciplinary approach.

- "Effective Public Administration for Sustainable Development" enhances knowledge of how public administration impacts sustainable development, focusing on the skills and competencies required to adopt and implement effective policies and collaborate with various stakeholders.

- "Energy Transition in Central Asia and Next Steps" examines the current state of energy transition in Central Asia, highlighting energy sources, consumption patterns, and associated environmental challenges.

- "Green Economy and Green Growth" presents the rationale for green transformation, explaining relevant concepts and discussing the relationship between the green economy and sustainable development.
  • Date and Duration
    2025, for 3 days
  • Format and Language
    offline, training is conducted in Russian and English with simultaneous translation into Russian
  • Programme Fee
    fees are currently being finalized;
    sign up to be notified as soon as it's available!
What you can gain?

By the end of the program, you will gain

  • comprehensive understanding of sustainable development principles, including the SDGs and their application in public policy;
  • knowledge of how public administration impacts sustainable development;
  • an in-depth overview of the energy transition in Central Asia, including current energy sources, consumption patterns, and environmental challenges;
  • an understanding of the green economy's role in sustainable development and how green growth strategies can be integrated into policy and practice.
Who can join?

  • Government officials and policymakers involved in developing and implementing sustainable development strategies and policies.
  • Corporate Sustainability Managers responsible for integrating sustainable practices and strategies into business operations.
  • NGO leaders and development practitioners focused on advancing sustainable development goals and green economy initiatives.
  • Dr. Aziz Burkhanov
    Associate Professor, NU Graduate School of Public Policy (NU GSPP)
    Dr. Aziz Burkhanov's research interests include nationalism and identity theories, and national identity politics, policies, and practices, with a special focus on identity issues and their perceptions in the public narratives in the former Soviet area. He has worked in policy analysis and consulting as a Research Fellow at the IWEP, a think-tank advising the Kazakhstan government on policies, and as a Senior Associate at IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA).

  • Dr. Serik Orazgaliyev
    Associate Professor and Co-Chair of SDSN, NU Graduate School of Public Policy (NU GSPP)
    Dr Serik Orazgaliyev has been with GSPP since 2016 and is currently an Associate Professor and Co-Chair of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) country chapter in Kazakhstan. He taught in the Asian Universities Alliance (AUA) Lecture Series, attended by students from thirteen AUA universities in China, Japan, India, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Singapore, UAE, and other countries. He was awarded NU Teaching Award in 2022 in ‘Internationalization’ category.

    He provided consultancy services to several government agencies in Kazakhstan, Asian Development Bank as well as for UNDP and OECD-led projects.
  • Dr. Murodbek Laldjebaev
    Associate Professor, NU Graduate School of Public Policy (NU GSPP)
    Dr. Murodbek Laldjebaev's research is aimed at a better understanding of and identifying ways to address pressing societal challenges emanating from human-environmental relations, where humans impact the environment and are impacted by the environment. The driving question is: How can humans improve their lives while using natural resources sustainably? Within the sustainability challenge, his research looks at energy (security, poverty), environmental externalities (waste, pollution), and local indigenous knowledge (medicinal plants). His teaching aims to raise participants’ awareness of human-environmental relations and the mutual impacts thereof to inculcate an environmental ethic of responsible living within nature and motivate them to take action to address sustainability challenges. A related goal is to help participants develop as informed and engaged citizens ready to tackle the challenges in their societies.

    He provided consultancy services to several government agencies in Kazakhstan and the Asian Development Bank, as well as for UNDP and OECD-led projects.
If you have any questions, contact

Zhanar Ismailova, Senior Manager, Executive Education
Graduate School of Public Policy Nazarbayev University

Tel.: + 7 (7172) 70 64 62