The first batch of the NU GSPP Internship program participants presented their final projects

On June 24, 2022, the first batch of the NU GSPP Internship program participants presented their final projects summarizing the results of their internship. This program took place between May 23 and June 24, 2022. Eleven students underwent internships in eight government, quasi-government and international organizations. Students shared their experiences, lessons learn and thoughts about how this program had influenced their future professional plans.

The purpose of the internship was to provide students with an opportunity to gain insights into the day-to-day operations of an organization in the public, NGO, or multilateral sector, thereby gaining practical experience and advancing their understanding of how policies and processes are shaped by context, institutions, and culture. Students have taken advantage of the internship to acquire policy-related professional experience, including knowledge and skills that will help them progress towards their long-term professional goals.

Know more about the NU GSPP Internship program.