Overview of renewable energy in Central Asia. NU GSPP Seminar with Dr. Murodbek Laldjebaev


This talk provides a concise overview of the potential, deployment, outlook, and barriers to renewable energy including small-scale hydropower, solar, wind, geothermal and bioenergy for the five Central Asian countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. RE potential is substantial but deployment is minuscule. Strategies and programs are developed to increase deployment, with Kazakhstan in the lead, yet other countries lag behind in their efforts. Barriers hindering the development of RE in the region include issues with regulatory framework, infrastructure, finances, expertise, awareness and support, and data and information. Because these obstacles are interrelated, a cross-sector and integrated approach is necessary to overcome them. RE can help Central Asian countries satisfy a growing energy demand and avoid the negative environmental impacts of using fossil fuels.



Murodbek Laldjebaev is an Assistant Professor and Chair of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities at University of Central Asia’s School of Arts and Sciences in Khorog, Tajikistan. His research focus is on energy security, energy poverty, environmental sustainability, water resources management, and local indigenous knowledge systems. His teaching includes human geography, research methods, indigenous knowledge, sustainable energy and environmental governance.



  • November 1, 2022, 12:15 (Astana time)
  • Nazarbayev University, Block C3, room 1010
  • Register here