NU GSPP Webinar with Giulio Pasi “Fast-track policy and liquid tools. Financial architectures for experimental (hybrid) policy”


In the last decade, we have witnessed a convergence trend between social and industrial policy, both leveraging on innovative – often entrepreneurial-driven – solutions to the grand societal challenges (wicked problems). These innovative schemes, such as outcome-based contracting and social impact bonds, have important consequences in terms of policy framing, policy design and implementation, questioning more consolidated approaches and implying deep changes in the delivery models of social goods and services. The research aims at identifying the underlying political and institutional meanings, which allow a first understanding of the phenomenon and its relevance for scholars in the field of public policy.



Scientific Officer at the European Commission, Giulio conducts research on social innovation, new financial engineering and the relationships between public policy and new markets or industries, as well as the impact of the digital transformation. Expert in public policy analysis, strategic foresight and future studies, Giulio holds a Ph.D. in Economics and Social Sciences (Institute for Advanced Study of Pavia). His main interests are at the crossroads of finance, technology and society. He is author of about 60 publications and is a globally recognised expert in the field of impact investing. He has been keynote speaker at high-level events, organised – among others – by the OECD, the World Economic Forum, and the Global Steering Group on Impact Investing (former G8-taskforce). He seats in several advisory boards and expert groups, such as the Policy Advisory Group for the Global Review of Outcome-Based Contracts at Oxford University, and the OECD Expert Group on Impact Investment.