NU GSPP Webinar with Dr. M Ramesh “Health Policy Design: The Case of Singapore”


Healthcare reform has been a top priority for policymakers around the world for the last few decades. The efforts have produced only modest gains, notwithstanding the vast financial and other resources devoted to implementing the reforms, indicating a need for a fresh approach. 

Dr. M Ramesh will argue that to achieve universal health care (UHC) on a sustainable basis, policymakers need to adopt a problem-solving approach to the health system. Specifically, they need to identify the specific barriers to UHC and, more importantly, their root causes with the purpose of uprooting or at least mitigating them through the use of appropriate policy tools. What are the key systemic problems that policymakers  need to concentrate on in their reform efforts? What are the policy tools available to address them?  Dr. M Ramesh will explore these questions with reference to health policy in Singapore.


Dr. M Ramesh is UNESCO Chair of Social Policy Design in Asia. Previously, he was the Founding Head of the Department of Asian and Policy at the Hong Kong Institute of Education; Professor of Social Policy at the University of Hong Kong; and Chair of the Department of Government and International Relations at the University of Sydney. He has also held teaching positions at the University of New England and Victoria University of Wellington.

Specialising in public policy and governance in Asia with a particular focus on social policy, Ramesh has authored and edited many books. His co-authored textbook Studying Public Policy has been translated into over a dozen languages and is used throughout the world. His books and journal articles on social policy in Asia are the standard starting points for research on the subject. He has also published extensively in reputed international journals. He is the Editor of Policy and Society and Associate Editor of Journal of Economic Policy Reform and serves on the editorial board of several reputed journals. Moreover, he has served as consultant to prominent international organizations.