NU GSPP RESEARCH WEBINAR WITH DR. MARINA RANGA “Public Policy Innovation: Implications from Transformative Innovation Policy for Sustainable Transitions”


Dr Marina Ranga is an Associate Professor in Innovation Management at the University of Warsaw’s Faculty of Management. She holds a PhD and an MSc in Science & Technology Policy from Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex and an MSc in Chemical Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest. She recently completed a 6-year term of office as S&T Policy Analyst (Senior Researcher) at the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), the EC’s research arm that provides evidence and innovative tools to support European policies. Her work here focused on transformative innovation policy for sustainable transitions and systems innovation, and place-based regional innovation and Smart Specialisation. Both these approaches have a significant systemic impact, extending beyond research and innovation to other policy areas, including public policy, higher education, industrial policy, regional development, etc.


In response to complex contemporary challenges, innovation policies of recent years have adopted new features that pave the way to a new innovation paradigm. A gradual shift is taking place from the dominant focus on technological, organisational and marketing innovations of the so-called “second frame of innovation policies” (Schot and Steinmueller, 2018) centred on competitiveness and economic growth, learning, networks and entrepreneurship, towards a “third frame” that calls for systemic transformative change and sustainable transitions to address the growing environmental and societal concerns. Concepts such as transformative innovation policy (TIP), mission-oriented research and innovation, smart specialisation strategies (S3) and responsible research and innovation (RRI) reflect this new focus.

Venue and time:

  • ZOOM, February 7, 2023, 17:45 (Astana time)