GSPP Professor and her Research assistant won Canada Maple Leaf Award


This paper analyses the implementation of innovative public service reforms in two countries: Canada and Kazakhstan from a comparative perspective. Both countries have large geographical territories and low population densities which require their governments to put an extra effort to ensure equal access and better quality service delivery across various regions of these countries. It is important to analyze how public service reforms have been shaped and implemented in Canada and Kazakhstan, particularly in the context of current political agenda in Kazakhstan to meet standards of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Although the progress in public service modernization might vary in these countries, identification of similarities and differences with respect to the challenges and obstacles faced during policy implementation might prove beneficial for practitioners and academic community from Kazakhstan and other transitional countries.

The grand prize package includes Canada Maple Leaf Award honorarium, travel stipend, the opportunity to present a paper as the keynote presentation at the conference, and potential publication.

Prof. Peter Howie was awarded the second prize for his paper “What Kazakhstan could learn from Alberta’s diversification policies: Issues, best practices, and recommendations.”