GSPP Alumni Webinar #2: Dana Issakova MPA’20

We are pleased to invite GSPP Community to the second GSPP Alumni Webinar with Dana Issakova, MPA’20, on May 30, 2020 at 18:00 in ZOOM. Link to the webinar: (Meeting ID: 972 7698 9355)

Dana Issakova works as a Project Finance Analyst at Accenture, Prague. She will share her experience of working in Kazakhstan’s public sector and will tell about working abroad. 
Dana holds Master in Public Administration degree from GSPP, Bachelor degree in Business Economics from KIMEP University. She studied at the Banking Institute in Prague, Czech Republic and Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia

Prior to Accenture, Dana Issakova worked as leading economist of the corporate finance and management department of the AstanaEnergoService, senior specialist of the department of economics and finance at the Karaotkel – President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan and as a specialist at the department of economic planning and financial analysis. 

If you want to become the next GSPP Alumni Webinar speaker, please contact:

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