Noore Alam Siddiquee

Position: Professor

Education Background:

Ph.D. in Public Administration, University of Manchester (UK) 

Research Areas

Public management reform, digital government, public-private partnerships, corruption and anti-corruption, NGOs and development, governance and policy in South & Southeast Asia

Research Output

Contact information

Dr Noore Alam Siddiquee
Graduate School of Public Policy
Room 4.021; Nazarbayev University
53, Kabanbay Batyr Avenue
Astana 010000, Kazakhstan
Telephone: +7 7172 70 5769


Dr Noore Alam Siddiquee is a Professor in Public Administration at the Graduate School of Public Policy (GSPP), Nazarbayev University. He holds a PhD from the University of Manchester, UK and is the recipient of several prestigious awards, grants, scholarships and fellowships including the Commonwealth Scholarship, Senior Research Fellowship and Visiting Professorship at International Islamic University, Malaysia. He has extensive experience in teaching, research and academic administration having worked in several institutions in the Asia-pacific region for over three decades. He taught public administration and policy for more than 15 years at the University of Dhaka (Bangladesh), International Islamic University (Malaysia) and the University of Brunei Darussalam (Brunei) prior to joining the Flinders University of South Australia in 2006. At Flinders he taught in the Graduate Program in Public Administration (GPPA) for close to 17 years and served in various capacities including the Director of Studies, GPPA (2007-2013), Discipline Leader, Politics and Public Policy (2014-2016), Associate Dean (International), the Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences (2016-2017) and Teaching Program Director, Flinders Government (2020-2021).

Prof Siddiquee’s research broadly focuses on public management and institutional changes in developing countries assessing the process and impacts of contemporary reforms on governance and service delivery. He has published widely which includes 3 books, 25 chapters in edited volumes and 65 articles in refereed/ top-notched international journals, in addition to 13 other non-refereed publications (See CV). He is highly sought after as a supervisor for PhD and other research degrees. At Flinders he supervised 20 RHD students to completion, aside from a large number of MPA dissertations/ projects. Currently he is supervising two RHD students who are at various stages of their studies.

Besides keeping an active research agenda Prof Siddiquee has reviewed papers for various journals and publishers, assessed grant applications, undertaken external review of academic programs, presented papers in seminars including keynote address at international conferences. He has regularly conducted training and professional development programs for various organizations and undertaken consultancies for government, NGOs and international agencies on aspects of management and policy.

Selected Publications


Open Government and Freedom of Information – Policy and Practice in Asia and the Middle East (with H. Zafarullah, Palgrave Macmillan (2023)

Public Management and Governance in Malaysia: Trends & Transformations, London & New York: Routledge (2013)

Decentralization and Development: Theory and Practice in Bangladesh, Dhaka: University of Dhaka (1997)


Refereed Journal Articles (sample)

Older Women’s experience with CoVID-19 pandemic: A study of risk perception and coping among culturally and linguistically diverse population in South Australia,  (with Hamiduzzaman et al.) PLOS ONE,  (2024) doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0301366, (Ranked Q1 SJR)

The quality of older adults’ involvement in clinical communication with general practitioners: evidence from rural towns in Australia. Global Health Journal, (7) 2023: 186-193, (Ranked Q1 SJR)

A Scoping review of changes to patient-doctor communication during Covid-19(with Patra, M & Hamiduzzaman, M), Health Communication, (2023, in press), (Ranked Q1, SJR)

Risk perception and health precautions towards COVID-19 among older culturally and linguistically diverse adults in South Australia: A cross-sectional survey (with Hamiduzzaman et al.), Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare (2022), Q1, SJR)

Covid-19 risk perceptions and precautions among the elderly: A Study of CALD adults in South Australia (with Hamiduzzaman, M. and McLaren, H), F1000Research, (2022): 11:43; (Ranked Q1, SJR)

Open government and the right to information: Implications for transparency and accountability in Asia (with Zafarullah, H.), Public Administration & Development (2021),, (Ranked Q1, SJR)

Collaborative approach to public service improvement: The Malaysian experience and lessons (with Xavier, AJ), International Journal of Public Sector Management (2020) (Ranked Q1, SJR)

Absolute power, absolute venality: Politics of Corruption and Anti-corruption in Malaysia (with Zafarullah, H), Public Integrity; (2020), DOI:10.1080/10999922.2020.1830541) (Ranked Q1 SJR)

Taxation and governance in Bangladesh: A Study of the Value-added Tax (with Saleheen, AM), International Journal of Public Administration (2020), (Ranked Q2 SJR)

Public management reform in the post-NPM era: lessons from Malaysia’s National Blue Ocean Strategy (NBOS) (with Xavier, AJ and Mohamed, Z), Public Money & Management (2019): (Ranked Q1, SJR)

Driving performance in the public sector: What can we learn from Malaysia’s service delivery reform? International Journal of Productivity & Performance Management (2019): DOI 10.1108/IJPPM-06-2018-0232 (Ranked Q1 SJR)

Sustainability of telecentres in developing countries: lessons from Union Digital Centre in Bangladesh (with Faroqi, M. and Ullah, S., Telematics and Informatics (2018): (Ranked Q1, SJR). 


Book Chapters (sample)

‘Open Government and Freedom of Information:  Parameters and Determinants—An Introduction’ in Zafarullah & Siddiquee (eds.) Open Government and Freedom of Information- Policy & Practice in Asia and the Middle East, Palgrave Macmillan, (2023): 3-26

‘Open Government and Freedom of Information in Asia:
Exploring Developments and Outcomes’ in Zafarullah & Siddiquee (eds.) Open Government and Freedom of Information- Policy & Practice in Asia and the Middle East, Palgrave Macmillan, (2023):27-51

‘The Right to Information Law and Open Government: The Indonesian Experience’ in Zafarullah & Siddiquee (eds.) Open Government and Freedom of Information- Policy & Practice in Asia and the Middle East, Palgrave Macmillan (2023):185-203

‘Paradoxes of Public Administration in Malaysia’, in Haque, MS., Wong, W.  & Ko. K. (eds). Handbook on Asian Public Administration, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing (2023),

‘Breaking down silos and fostering inter-agency collaboration: Malaysia’s national Blue Ocean Strategy in Perspective’ in Ali, H. E. and Bhuiyan S. (eds). Institutional Reforms, Governance and Service Delivery in the Global South, Palgrave Macmillan (2022): 223-240

‘Tackling poverty and deprivation in Southeast Asia: policies, performance and challenges’ (with Hamiduzzaman, M), in Zafarullah, H. and A.S. Huque (eds). The Handbook of Development Policy, Chaltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing (2021): 447-460

‘Taxation and Governance’ in A. Farazmand (ed). Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy and Governance, Springer (with Saleheen, AM) (2019): 1-6

‘Best Practice Versus a Diagnostic Approach to Public Service Reform: The Malaysian Experience’, Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Policy & Governance, Springer (with Xavier, J.A. (2018).

‘Governance of NGOs in Bangladesh: control mechanisms and their limitations’, in N. Ahmed (ed.) Public Policy and Governance in Bangladesh- Forty Years of Experience, Routledge: London/New York (with Faroqi, MG) (2016): 231-244

‘E-government: The Dawn of Citizen-centric Public Administration?’ in Sabharwal, M. and Berman, E. (eds). Public Administration in South Asia: India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis (2013): 317-336

‘Introduction’ in Siddiquee, N.A. (ed.). Public Management and Governance in Malaysia: Transformations and Trends, Routledge (2013): 1-30

‘The Public Bureaucracy- An Analytical Overview’ in Siddiquee N.A. (ed.) Public Management and Governance in Malaysia: Transformations and Trends, Routledge (2013): 31- 49

‘Managing Ethics: Drives for Fighting Corruption and Managing Integrity’, in N.A. (ed.). Public Management and Governance in Malaysia: Transformations and Trends, Routledge (2013): 178-197