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Conferences and presentations 2017

  • Burkhanov, Aziz. “Kazakhstan’s History Curriculum and Nation-Building: Soviet in Form, Post-Soviet in Content?” Paper presented at the ASN World Annual Convention, Columbia University, New York, NY, May 2017.
  • Knox, Colin. 2017. “Civil Society in Central Asia”, Soros Foundation, Astana, Kazakhstan, February 21.
  • Knox, Colin. 2017. “Conflict resolution pathways”, European Union Peace Building Conference, London, UK, March 29.
  • Knox, Colin. 2017. “Public Councils in Kazakhstan”, GSPP Annual Conference, Astana, Kazakhstan, April 8. 
  • Knox, Colin. 2017. “Citizen Engagement”, NISPACEE Conference, Kazan, Russia, April 13-14.
  • Knox, Colin. 2017. “Public Administration curriculum developments”, OECD Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 21-23.
  • Knox, Colin. 2017. “Public Management in Central Asia”, ICPP Conference, Singapore, June 28-29.
  • Knox, Colin. 2017. “Public Councils and Citizen Engagement”, GSPP Conference, Astana, Kazakhstan, August 17-18.
  • Knox, Colin. 2017. “Evaluating Public Councils”, KZ Ministry of Civil Affairs Conference, Karaganda, Kazakhstan, September 25. 
  • Knox, Colin. 2017. “Civil service meritocracy?” Astana Civil Service Hub, Astana, Kazakhstan, November 2.
  • Knox, Colin. 2017. “Open Government in Kazakhstan”, Soros Foundation, Uralsk, Kazakhstan, November 27.
  • Knox, Colin. 2017. “Peace Building Initiatives”, EU Conference, London, UK, December 19.
  • Omer Baris. 2017. “Behavioral approaches in public policy and a measure of good governance” Prague Conference on Behavioral Sciences 2017 (CEBEX 2017 – ‘Modern Policy Making’), Prague, Czech Republic, May 2017.
  • Omer Baris. 2017. “A Note on Cooperative Outcomes in One-Shot Prisoners’ Dilemma Games”, Prague Conference on Political Economy (PCPE 2017), Prague, Czech Republic, March 2017.
  • Orazgaliyev, Serik. 2017. “Separation of powers and constitutional reforms on power transition in Kazakhstan,” International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP), National University of Singapore, Singapore, June 28-30.
  • Orazgaliyev, Serik. 2017. “Good Governance and Economic Diversification in Resource-rich Economies,” Inaugural GSPP conference, Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, August 17-19.
  • Orazgaliyev, Serik. 2017. China’s One Belt One Road project and its impact for Central Asia Conference (Moderator), Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, June 8-9.
  • Peter Howie. 2017. “ETS in Kazakhstan: Looking Back to Look Ahead” An Investment Perspective of Carbon Trading, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, November 2017.
  • Peter Howie. 2017. “Are Kazakhstan’s exports becoming more or less skill intensive and how does this affect its diversification outcomes?”  Good Governance and Economic Diversification in Resource Rich Economies, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, August 2017.
  • Peter Howie. 2017. “Structural Transformation in Resource-Rich, Middle Income Countries” World Congress of Comparative Economics, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2017.
  • Riccardo Pelizzo. 2017. “Corruption in Kazakhstan: some reflections”, Annual Conference of the Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA), Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, April 13.
  • Riccardo Pelizzo. 2017. “Роль общества в противостоянии коррупции: международная практика” [The role of society in fighting corruption: international practice]. The paper was presented on the conference Усиление роли общественных советов государственных органов в противодействии коррупции, соблюдении служебной этики, повышения качества оказания государственных услуг [Strengthening the role of public councils of state bodies in fighting corruption, compying with official ethics, and improving quality of public services] , Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, April 7.
  • Riccardo Pelizzo. 2017. “Constitutional reforms: better democracy and less corruption”, Nur Otan, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, February 11.
Seminars 2016
  • Janenova S. (key coordinator), 2016. OECD-GSPP policy workshop on “Decentralization: OECD good practices and experience in Kazakhstan”, Astana, Kazakhstan, March 1.
  • Janenova S. (key coordinator), 2016. OECD-GSPP policy workshop on “Open Government: OECD good practices and experience in Kazakhstan”, Astana, Kazakhstan, March 2.
Workshops 2016
  • Pelizzo R., 2016. “International expertise in fighting corruption by promoting good governance”, Workshop for the Presidential Reserve of Law Enforcement, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan, April 5.
  • Pelizzo R., 2016. “Promoting ethics to fight corruption”, Workshop for the central office of Nur Otan party “Modern governance approaches: the international experience”, Astana, Kazakhstan, April 14.
  • Pelizzo R., 2016.“Research Activities Development”, Professional Development Program for Higher Education Personnel of Kazakhstan, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan, May 18.
  • Pelizzo R., 2016. “Academic Corruption”, Professional Development Program for Higher Education Personnel of Kazakhstan, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan, May16.
  • Baris O.F., 2016. “Economics of Crime and Corruption”, Workshop for the Presidential Reserve of Law Enforcement, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan, April 5.
  • Baris O.F., 2016. “The costs of corruption and economics of anti-corruption policies”, Workshop for the for the central office of Nur Otan party “Modern governance approaches: the international experience”, Astana, Kazakhstan, April 14.
  • Janenova S., 2016. “Performance assessment: international experience and lessons for the law enforcement bodies”, Workshop for the Presidential Reserve of Law Enforcement, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan, April 5.
  • Janenova S., 2016. “Performance assessment of civil servants”, Workshop for the central office of Nur-Otan party “Modern governance approaches: the international experience”, Astana, Kazakhstan, April 14.
  • Janenova S., Kuzhabekova A. and Almukhambetova A., 2016. Exploring the Experiences of Female Leaders in Civil Service in Kazakhstan: Trapped between
  • Economic Pressure to Earn and Traditional Family Role Expectations. Presented at the policy workshop of the GSPP and National Commission for Family and Women’s Affairs, Astana, Kazakhstan, April 29.
  • Janenova S., 2016. Modernization of civil service system in Kazakhstan. Presented at the executive training for lawyers of the local akimat of Astana city, Association of Lawyers of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan, May 24.
Workshops 2015
  • Pelizzo R., 2015. Conflicts of interest. Executive training for the Civil Service and Anti-corruption agency, Nazarbayev University, Graduate School of Public Policy, Astana, Kazakhstan.
  • Pelizzo R., 2015. Good governance and accountability. Executive training for senior and mid-level managers of the Civil Service and Anti-Corruption Agency, Nazarbayev University, Graduate School of Public Policy, Astana, Kazakhstan.
  • Pelizzo R. and Baris O.F., 2015. Measures of Corruption. Executive training for senior and mid-level managers of the Civil Service and Anti-Corruption Agency, Nazarbayev University, Graduate School of Public Policy, Astana, Kazakhstan.
  • Pelizzo R. and Baris O.F., 2015. Problems of quality and reliability of the indexes of corruption. Training program for experts to develop the project “National Corruption Perception Index” Nazarbayev University, Graduate, School of Public Policy, Astana, Kazakhstan.
  • Pelizzo R., 2015. Measures of Corruption. Training program for experts to develop the project “National Corruption Perception Index”, Nazarbayev University, Graduate School of Public Policy, Astana, Kazakhstan.
  • Pelizzo R., 2015. Policy learning/borrowing in developing countries. Learning in governance: theory, design and methods, British Council Researcher Links Programme in Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan.
  • Baris, O. F., 2015. Economics of Crime and Corruption. Executive training for the Civil Service and Anti-corruption agency, Nazarbayev University, Graduate School of Public Policy, Astana, Kazakhstan.

Conferences/ presented conference papers 2016

  • Hui W.T., 2016. Nazarbayev University – academic and research center, and support in the implementation of the initiatives of the Head of the State».
  • Presented in the conference International applied research conference: «N. Nazarbayev and Kazakhstani model of civil service» organized by the Ministry of Civil Service Affairs of Kazakhstan, the UNDP and Graduate School of Public Policy, Nazarbayev University, Astana, January 28.
  • Pelizzo R., 2016. Transparency of public service – an essential condition for its effectiveness. Presented in the conference “International applied research conference: «N. Nazarbayev and Kazakhstani model of civil service» organized by the Ministry of Civil Service Affairs of Kazakhstan, the UNDP and Graduate School of Public Policy, Nazarbayev University, Astana, January 28.
  • Pelizzo R., 2016. “The practice of legislative activity of the Parliament of Italy”, Parliament, Astana, Kazakhstan, April 20.
  • Baris O. 2016. Presented a joint paper co-authored with Professor Riccardo Pelizzo and Dr. Saltanat Janenova on “Objective or perception-based? A Kazakhstani debate on the most ideal corruption measure”, the Cornell University International Law Symposium, Ithaca, New York, USA, February 19.
    Available online:
  • Baris, O.F., 2016 “Objective or perception-based? A Kazakhstani debate on the most ideal corruption measure.” (joint paper with Riccardo Pelizzo and Saltanat Janenova). Presented at the Roundtable Discussion at Columbia University & Harriman Institute New York, USA, February 22.
  • Baris, O.F., 2016. “The Monopoly Theory of the State”. Presented at the at the Prague Conference on Political Economy (PCPE 2016), Prague, Czech Republic, April 21-24.
  • Baris, O. F., 2016. “The Impact of State Expenditure Mandates on Local Budgetary Allocations across Economic Cycles”. Discussed at the Next Generation of Public Finance, Georgia State University Andrew Young School of Public Policy, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, May 5-6.
  • Burkhanov A., 2016. “Kazakhstan’s Identity Building Policy: Soviet Legacy, State Efforts and Societal Reactions”, Rule of law Symposium, Cornell Law School, Cornell University, USA, February 19.
  • Burkhanov A., 2016. “Language, Identity and History in Contemporary Kazakhstani History Textbooks”. Presented at the research workshop at Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, March 17-19.
  • Burkhanov, A. 2016. “Nation-Building in Kazakhstan: Identity Formation in the Popular Culture, Media and Television”. Presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN), New York, April 14-16.
  • Burkhanov, A. 2016. “Silk Road and Identity: China and Chinese Policy Initiatives in Central Asia in the Kazakhstani Public Discourse”. Presented at the Conference “Road to New Paradigms: Impact of China’s Silk Road Initiative in China, Central Asia and the EU”. Helsinki, Finland, May 9-10.
  • Burkhanov, A.; Sharipova, D. “Nationalism in Kazakhstan: Evidence from Grass-Root Level”. Presented at a Roundtable: “National Identity and Nationalism in Kazakhstan: Evidence from the Grass-Root Level”. KIMEP University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, May 16.
  • Burkhanov, A. “Islam and Religious Identity in the Contemporary Mass Media Discourse of Kazakhstan”. Presented at the Central Eurasian Studies Society Fifth Regional Conference. Kazan, Russia, June 2-4.
  • Burkhanov, A.; Sharipova, D. “Nationalism in Kazakhstan: Evidence from Grass-Root Level”. Presented at the research workshop of the Norwegian Institute for International Affairs, Oslo, Norway, June 16-17.
  • Burkhanov, A. 2016. “Nation-Building in Kazakhstan: Identity in the Popular Culture, Media and Television”. Presented at the Regional Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN), Kaunas, Lithuania, June 30-July 2.
  • Howie P., and Atakhanova Z., 2016. Resource boom and structural transformation in Kazakhstan: A comparative analysis. Presented at Global Economic Issues and Regional Policy Responses Conference, Seoul, Korea, May 27-28.
  • Janenova S., Kuzhabekova A. and Almukhambetova A., 2016. Exploring the Experiences of Female Leaders in Civil Service in Kazakhstan: Trapped between Economic Pressure to Earn and Traditional Family Role Expectations. Presented at the Central Eurasian Studies Society Fifth Regional Conference, Kazan, Russia, June 2-4.
  • Janenova S. and Maltseva E., 2016. The Politics of Pension Reforms in Kazakhstan: Pressures for Change and Reform Strategies. Presented at the Central Eurasian Studies Society Fifth Regional Conference, Kazan, Russia, June 2-4.
  • Janenova S., Kuzhabekova A. and Almukhambetova A., 2016. Exploring the Experiences of Female Leaders in Civil Service in Kazakhstan: Trapped between Economic Pressure to Earn and Traditional Family Role Expectations. Presented at the research workshop of the Norwegian Institute for International Affairs, Oslo, Norway, June 16-17.
  • Burkhanov, Aziz. “The Determinants of Civic and Ethnic Nationalisms in Kazakhstan: Evidence from the Grass-root Level.” Paper presented at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs workshop, Oslo, Norway, June 2016.
  • Burkhanov, Aziz. “Islam in the Contemporary Mass Media Discourse of Kazakhstan.” Paper presented at the CESS Regional Conference, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, June 2016.
  • Burkhanov, Aziz. “Nation-Building in Kazakhstan: Identity Formation in the Popular Culture, Media and Television.” Paper presented at the ASN Annual World Convention, Columbia University, New York, NY, April 2016.
  • Burkhanov, Aziz. “Kazakhstan’s National Identity-Building: Soviet Legacy, State Efforts and Societal Reactions.” Public talk at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, February 2016
  • Knox, Colin. 2016. “Public Sector reform in Kazakhstan”, International Public Management, Denmark, June 20-22.
  • Orazgaliyev, Serik. 2016. OECD conference ‘Are governance reforms transforming the state in the Republic of Kazakhstan?’ (Moderator), Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, September 27-28.