The Graduation Dinner ceremony of the GSPP cohort of 2020

On November 28, NU Graduate School of Public Policy hosted the long-awaited event – the Graduation Dinner ceremony of the GSPP cohort of 2020. The ceremony was postponed for 1.5 years for 31 MPA and 25 MPP graduates due to COVID-19 Pandemic.

“You are the last pre-COVID class, and you were lucky enough to enjoy the face-to-face learning experience at GSPP and School’s Singapore component. The cohorts after you are still waiting for the moment when they will be able to visit Singapore,” said Professor Weng Tat Hui, the GSPP Dean during his welcoming speech.

The Vice Dean of Executive Education and Associate Professor in Practice of Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Francesco Mancini sent his congratulations with a video recording. Nazarbayev University’s Provost, Professor Ilesanmi Adesida said pointing at the graduates “As the School of Public Policy in Singapore is named after Lee Kuan Yew, I hope that in the future the NU GSPP will be named after somebody. Perhaps, somebody among you”. After his welcoming speech, Provost Adesida presented graduation letters from the LKY School to each graduate.

NU Vice-Provost Loretta O’Donnell noted: “One thing that unites all of you is not only that you’re all graduates of this wonderful Graduate School of Public Policy. Another which I want to stress is confidence. You came from many different disciplines. But at this stage, you all have the confidence to create the careers that you want. The future is in your hands!”

At the end of the ceremony, Vice-Provost O’Donnell presented the best Final Master Project awards.