Paper Submission

Call for papers

The Graduate School of Public Policy (hereinafter - GSPP) will hold its 7th annual conference on the theme Shifting Boundaries in Global and Local Governance and invites all interested parties to participate. The Conference will take place at Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan on May 29, 2023

For any further information, please contact the Conference Secretariat: 

Paper Topics
  • While the dynamic nature of governance will encourage new discussions for years and decades to come, we are open to papers, in their complete or working stages, that will explore the topics related to the conceptual theme of the conference. 
  • In particular, we expect to receive papers that look at shifting boundaries of political and economic governance, social and cultural change from interdisciplinary perspective.
Requirements to Abstracts

Font – 14-point Times New Roman 

Double-spaced, margins on all sides – 2 cm

Abstracts should be limited to 250 words.

Please indicate the file name by the following structure “name_surname_title of paper” 

Online abstract/full paper submission

Participation is free for NU community, for the outside Speakers the fee will be 5000 KZT (10 USD). 

Please send your abstracts to the the Conference Secretariat by email