NU GSPP jointly with the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan conducted an executive educational program

The “Leader of a New Formation” Executive Education Program, conducted by NU GSPP and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from October 16 to December 7, has concluded, leaving an indelible mark on Kazakhstan’s leadership perspectives!

The NU GSPP component delved deep into the realms of sustainable development, green energy, and green growth solutions, empowering leaders to spearhead positive change in the face of global challenges.

The program continued with an insightful course on behavioral insights for the public sector, equipping participants with a profound understanding of human behavior in policymaking.

Participants engaged in dynamic discussions, fostering an environment of collaborative learning and innovative thinking. The program exemplified the commitment to cultivating leaders capable of driving effective policy changes in the ever-evolving landscape of governance.