Aziz Burkhanov

Position: Associate Professor

Education Background:

Ph.D. in Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University (USA)


Research Areas

Nationalism and identity theories, and national identity politics, policies, and practices, with a special focus on identity issues and their perceptions in the public narratives in the former Soviet area

Research Output

Contact information

Aziz Burkhanov
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Public Policy
Room 4.024
Nazarbayev University
53 Kabanbay batyr Avenue
Astana, Kazakhstan 010000


Dr. Aziz Burkhanov is an Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Public Policy at Nazarbayev University. His research interests include nationalism and identity theories, and national identity politics, policies, and practices, with a special focus on identity issues and their perceptions in the public narratives in the former Soviet area. He has worked in policy analysis and consulting as a Research Fellow at the IWEP, a think-tank advising the Kazakhstan government on policies, and as a Senior Associate at IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA).

Dr. Burkhanov has authored “Kazakhstan’s National Identity-Building Policy: Soviet Legacy, State Efforts, and Societal Reactions,” Cornell International Law Journal (2017), “The Determinants of Civic and Ethnic Nationalisms in Kazakhstan: Evidence from the Grass-Roots Level” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics (2017); and “Kazakh Perspective on China, the Chinese, and Chinese Migration,” Ethnic and Racial Studies (2016); among others.



Journal Articles:

  1. Burkhanov, Aziz. 2020. “Multiculturalism and Nation‐Building in Kazakhstan: Trends in Media Discourse, State Policy, and Popular Perceptions”. The Muslim World, 110 (1): 24-39.
  2. Rees, Kristoffer and Aziz Burkhanov. 2018. “Constituting the Kazakhstani Nation: Rhetorical Transformation of National Belonging.” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 24 (4): 433-455.
  3. Burkhanov, Aziz. 2017. “Kazakhstan’s National Identity-Building Policy: Soviet Legacy, State Efforts and Societal Reactions”. Cornell International Law Journal, 50 (1): 1-15.
  4. Sharipova, Dina, Aziz Burkhanov and Alma Alpeissova. 2017. “The Determinants of Civic and Ethnic Nationalisms in Kazakhstan: Evidence from the Grass-Roots Level.” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 23 (2): 203-226. 
  5. Burkhanov Aziz, and Yu-Wen Chen. 2016. “Kazakh Perspective on China, the Chinese, and Chinese Migration.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 39 (12): 2129-2148.
  6. Burkhanov, Aziz. 2007. “EU Strategy in Central Asia: Successes and Failures.” Central Asia and the Caucasus 3 (45): 18-29.


Book Chapters:

  1. Burkhanov, Aziz, and Dina Sharipova. 2022. “Nation-Building in Central Asia: Policy and Discourse “, In Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Central Asia, edited by Rico Isaacs and Erica Marat, 101-114. Routledge.
  2. Burkhanov, Aziz. 2021. “Authoritarian Policy Styles: Post-Soviet Central Asia”, In Routledge Handbook of Policy Styles, edited by Michael Howlett and Jale Tosun, 63-74. Routledge.
  3. Burkhanov, Aziz, Serik Orazgaliyev and Eduardo Araral.  2021. “Political Culture and Power Transition: The Case of Kazakhstan”, In Understanding Kazakhstan’s 2019 Political Transition, edited by Jean-François Caron, 7-28. Springer.
  4. Burkhanov, Aziz. 2019. “Youth and National Identity: Then and Now”, In The Nazarbayev Generation: Youth in Kazakhstan, edited by Marlene Laruelle, 49-68. Lexington Books.
  5. Burkhanov, Aziz and Neil Collins. 2019. “Political Culture in Kazakhstan: Extension and Reflection”, In Kazakhstan and the Soviet Legacy: Between Continuity and Rupture, edited by Jean-François Caron, 7-30. Palgrave-Macmillan.
  6. Burkhanov, Aziz. 2019. “Policy-Making Styles in Central Asia: the Soviet Legacy and New Institutions”, In Policy Styles and Policy-Making: Exploring the Linkages, edited by Michael Howlett and Jale Tosun, 222-241. Routledge.
  7. Lehtisaari, Katja, Aziz Burkhanov, Elira Turdubaeva and Jukka Pietiläinen. 2018. “Framing of Crimean Annexation and Eastern Ukraine Conflict in Newspapers of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in 2014.” In Crisis and Change in Post-Cold War Global Politics Ukraine in a Comparative Perspective, edited by Erica Resende, Erica Budrytė, and Didem Buhari-Gulmez, 181-201. Palgrave-Macmillan.
  8. Burkhanov, Aziz, and Dina Sharipova. 2015. “Kazakhstan’s Civic-National Identity: Ambiguous Policies and Points of Resistance.” In Nationalisms and Identity Construction in Central Asia: Dimensions, Dynamics and Directions, edited by Mariya Omelicheva, 21-35. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
  9. Eduardo Araral, Riccardo Pelizzo, Aziz Burkhanov, Yu-Wen Chen, Saltanat Janenova and Neil Collins. 2015. “Varieties of Governmental Capacity and Autonomy: An Exploration of Fukuyama’s Hypothesis”, In Varieties of Governance: Studies in the Political Economy of Public Policy Series, edited by Giliberto Capano, Michael Howlett, and M Ramesh, 173-193. Palgrave-Macmillan.