1st International Conference on Good Governance and Economic Diversification in Resource Rich Economies on 17 – 19 August 2017


Nazarbayev University’s Graduate School of Public Policy (NU GSPP) holds its 1st International Conference on Good Governance and Economic Diversification in Resource Rich Economies on 17 – 19 August 2017. Conference organisers, Professors Weng Tat Hui and Colin Knox, said that it is attracting both international and Central Asian scholars and provides an opportunity to showcase the research being conducted in Nazarbayev University.

Franklyn Lisk, Professor, Centre for the Study of Globalization and Regionalisation, University of Warwick (UK) gave the keynote speech.

Professor Knox also said: ‘we are excited about the interest generated by the conference and hope that it will be the first of a biennial event in the calendar of the School’. The conference topics include: economic diversification; public management; political economy of natural resources; civil society; international relations; and education policy. The significance of the event is not only to showcase the high quality research that is produced in the region, but also to identify solutions to the challenges that the region is currently facing.