Статьи, опубликованные в нерецензируемых журналах 2015 года
- Pelizzo R. and Kinyondo A., 2015. Tourism and employment: the case of Togo. African Politics and Policy, 1(1), pp. 18-29.
- Pelizzo R .and Baris O. F., 2015. Governance, Business environment, and foreign direct investments. African Politics and Policy, 1(2), pp. 1-23.
- Pelizzo R., Kinyondo A. and Nwokora Z., 2015. The costs of party system change. African Politics and Policy, 1 (3), pp. 1-11.
- Pelizzo R. and Kinyondo A., 2015. Public Accounts Committees in Eastern Africa. African Politics and Policy, 1 (3), pp. 12-27.
- Pelizzo R. and Baris O. F., 2015. International measures of corruption for Kazakhstan: are they valid and reliable? Антикоррупционная политика, 4(10), pp. 20-22.
- Burkhanov A. and Yu-Wen Chen, 2016. Kazakh perspective on China, the Chinese, and Chinese migration. Ethnic and racial studies, Routledge
- Janenova, S. and Pan Suk Kim. 2016. “Innovating Public Service Delivery in Transitional Countries: The Case of One Stop Shops in Kazakhstan.” International Journal of Public Administration 39 (4): 323-333.
- Pelizzo R., 2016. “A review of anti-corruption measures” in Law Enforcement Academy Herald, vol. 1, n.1, pp. x-xx.
- Baris, O. F., Dodo J. Th., Bacani Ch. I. and Chen Y. J., 2016. “Display of Factor Utilization in Central Asia”, Economic Papers (Accepted)
- Pelizzo R., Araral E., Pak A. and Xun W., 2016. “Determinants of Bribery: Theory and Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa” in African Development Review, Volume 28, Issue 2, pages 229–240, June/Juin 2016
- Pelizzo R. and Nwokora Z., 2016. “Bridging the divide: Measuring Party System Change and Classifying Party Systems” in Politics and Policy, Volume 44, No 6, pages 1-37
- Pelizzo R. and Nwokora Z., 2015. The Political Consequences of Party System Change. Politics and Policy, 43 (4), pp. 453-473.
- Pelizzo R., 2015. Corruption: Causes and Consequences. Государственное управление и государственная служба (Public Administration and Public Service),1, pp.53-59.
- Pelizzo R., Kinyondo A. and Umar A., 2015. A functionalist theory of oversight. Nigerian Journal of Legislative Affairs, 7 (1). Reprinted in 2015 in African Politics and Policy, 1, (5), pp. 1-25.
- Pelizzo R. and Kinyondo A., 2015. Tourism, development, and inequality: the case of Tanzania. Poverty and Public Policy, 7 (1), pp. 64-79.
- Collins N., Yu-Wen Chen and Racine E., 2015. Gone but not forgotten: the (re-)making of diaspora strategies. Asian Ethnicity, 16 (3), pp. 371-379.
- Collins N. and Butler P., 2015. A Marketing Perspective on the Rise of China: Monopoly, Politics and Value. Journal of Marketing Management, 31 (3/4), pp. 269-288.
- Collins N., Speed R. and Butler P., 2015. Human Branding in Political Marketing: Applying Contemporary Branding Thought to Political Parties and their Leaders. Journal of Political Marketing, 14 (1-2), pp. 129-151.
- Chen, Y-W., Masch, L., & Finze, K., 2014. Using experimental methods to investigate discriminatory tendencies: A lesson report. Journal of Social Science Education, 13 (2), pp. 11-23.
- Collins, N. & Gottwald, J., 2014. Market creation by Leninist means: the Party-state, private authority and the regulation of financial services in the People’s Republic of China. Asian Studies Review, 38 (4), pp. 620 – 638.
- Howie, P. & Atakhanova Z., 2014. Resource booms and inequality: Kazakhstan as a case study. Resources Policy, 39, pp.71-79.
- Lo, L. & Chen, Y-W., 2014. A reflection on and proposal for current social support for Chinese migrant workers in the UK. Cambridge Journal of China Studies, 9 (2), pp.1-7.
- Pelizzo, R., 2014. Corruption and education: the importance of promoting a culture of integrity. Антикоррупционная политика, 1 (1) , p. 29. Kazakh translation in Антикоррупционная политика (Journal of Anticorruption Policy), 1(1), 2, p. 30.
- Pelizzo R., 2016. “Alcune considerazioni sul giallo” in A. Napoli, R. Pelizzo and D. Carabotta, Il dottor Bolt e altri racconti, Piacenza, Ellade, pp. 9-17.
- Pelizzo R., 2016. Parlament Italii: Praktika zakonotvorcheskoi deyatelnosti parlamenta Italii (Parliament of Italy: the practice of legislation of the Parliament of Italy ). Presentations of the workshop “Basics of parliamentarism: foreign experience”,conducted for the Mazhilis deputies of the Parliament of Kazakhstan – members of Nur Otan party fraction, organised by the School of Political Management of Nur Otan party and Nur Otan party faction of the Mazhilis, Astana, Nur Otan, pp. 69-93
- Howie P., 2016. Kazakhstan’s diversification strategy – Are policies building linkages and promoting competition? in Economic Diversification Policies in Natural Resource-rich Economies. Mahroum, S. & Alsaleh, Y. (eds.). UK: Routledge, pp 203 – 235.